Our Leadership
Christopher McCulloch Managing Director

Chris has spent the last 20 years developing and successfully implementing comprehensive, effective internal bank auditing and risk management programs for community banks and regional financial institutions. Chris is well known and respected for his insight and understanding of the full spectrum of banking activities, related risks and audit methodologies. He particularly enjoys providing industry “best practices” to the firm’s clients.
Chris was one of three founding partners of the pioneering internal bank auditing services firm, BancAudit Associates LLC. He also has extensive risk management/internal bank auditing experience from his tenure at Comerica Bank ($35 Billion). At Comerica and BancAudit, he supervised large teams of bank auditors, employing an integrated audit approach (reviewing processes for all risk types).
BankVision utilizes Chris’ innovative risk assessment models/methodologies to ensure that scarce internal bank auditing resources are focused on higher areas of risk while containing overall bank auditing expense.
Among other duties, Chris is responsible for overseeing the firm’s “Special Services” team. This team focuses on assisting clients with emerging regulatory and/or risk management areas such as Sarbanes-Oxley Act Compliance, FDICIA Compliance, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act – Information Security Program Evaluations, Internal/External Vulnerability Assessments or General Audit Support.
Chris is a graduate of Occidental College in Los Angeles, where he received his Bachelor of Arts degree. Chris completed an MBA in finance from Santa Clara University. He holds the following certifications: Certified Bank Auditor (CBA), Certified Trust Auditor (CTA), Certified Financial Services Auditor (CFSA) and Certified Risk Professional (CRP).
Linda Myers Managing Director

Linda has over 22 years of bank auditing and banking experience. She is an established and well-respected risk management professional. Linda has been able to successfully combine her extensive expertience in bank auditing and compliance with strong interpersonal skills and a consultative client approach.
Linda also was one of three founding partners of the pioneering internal bank auditing services firm, BancAudit Associates LLC. During the course of her career, Linda has been an audit manager for a billion-dollar bank, has managed a large retail/branch banking network and has had responsibility for compliance/risk management training and policy/procedure development.
As a managing director of BankVision, Inc., Linda oversees and manages highly proficient teams of bank auditors in Anti-money Laundering/BSA, Consumer Compliance, Branch/Central Operations and Fiduciary Services/Wealth Management.
Linda received her Bachelor of Science degree from San Jose State University, with a concentration in business management.